viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021

A photo that I like

 This is the last photo of the kitten of my cat, well...she only stick here and never leaves so she becomes a part of the family. The behind of the story is that we want to give in adoption hers kittens and we need to take nice pictures of the kittens, but they were too small and cry a lot if they were outside the box in my bedroom, yes, the cat give birth in our ceiling, if I never take them out of there, tey will die because someones fall in to boxes and the mom can't get them of there, so we moved of there and the mommy start living on my bedroom until these days, it's a great partner when she's quiet, but she starts to annoing me when she begin to chew the wire of my things. She give born to four kittens, I don't remember well but I think it was three boys and one girl, they were all fluffy and fuzzy... well, backing in the story, the thing is, in that time we already was six or seven cats so, it was a chaos, and my mom want to give them in adoption, but again, they were to little to be separated of the mom, and when i took them to the yard they begin to cry so, horrible and terrible photos, but my mom keep insisting, and one day that I was at the university, (this is the story that they told me), my mom was determinated to they leave and while she took them to take some sun of the outside, she said "what's so hard it will be?", and there is the main result an horrible photo of the kitten that it always that I see makes me laught, and I love it. only for that, because she see so silly (the cat is not being hurt, is that she wasn't want to be liften, or touched and she want to run of my mom).

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021

My Favorite Movie

 HiHi, I would say that I don't have a favorite movie, but when i have to choose a movie I would choose it by him actor or actress, also the soundtrack of the movie is very important to me, i do like to feel goosebumps when someone sings, or when it's a suspense scene and you can feel cold behind your neck. I would say that Grease it's some of that movies that I could see thousand of times and never get bored, and all the movies that John Travolta is in it, like, Face/Off, Phenomenom, Pulp Fiction, I am Wrath, The Punisher, and with that i would say that by my father i love to see action movies, well, it's te only thing that I do with my father and that he love to do, so I do like to search new movies to see with him. I do love Horror and suspence movies as well, like the old ones, Jeepper creeper, Halloween, friday the 13th, A nightmare on elm street, The texas Chain Saw Massacre. And also I love the disney movies, after giving a list of bloody and scary movies, yes, I love disney and musicals, no, no like High school musical, like... disney musicals, with little animals, like Hercules, Mulan and some of pixar. I don't see movies alone, I get bored very easy so, the latest i see was Deadpool 2 with my boyfriend, and we laught a lot because we found the uncensured one, and the black jokes that the movie has was hilarius, also I like to see youtube channels like "Te lo resumo así nomas"  If you don't have time to see a movie or if you don't want to see it, the guy make a little review of it (a very funny one) in ten minutes or a little more (sometimes less).

Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I ...