viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I feel so tired of everything of this point that the only thing that I do is watch some tv or see a movie, without the feeling of a growning emptiness, I think that everything sucks at this point, I would say that I lose 5 kg in the last month or 3 weeks, I can't sleep well and doing the last few homeworks it's being really hard, at this point I don't care of gramatical errors and for once finish this. later I'm going to feel worse for not being focus and score a mediocre grade, because I know that I can do things better than this. Backing to the blog I found it very bored in the end. Also something that rounds my mind it is that I don't have a feedback so maybe i'm doing the same mistake in all my entrances for the blog and I didn't know, so, knowing at the end of the evaluations it's... weird, I don't know, it gives me a bland sensation. I think that's everything, I hope that this few words reach the minimun of words, im tired, bye.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Ivana.
    I agree with you. I feel the same as you, the fatigue both mentally and physically at this stage of the career, has had me very bad. The only thing that gives me some relief is that not long ago I finished the theoretical classes, but it shouldn't even be a relief, since I still have the same stress and anguish as when I was with them. It's a weird feeling.
    Truth be told, it's a hard and unfortunate stage, and since I have been and still am in that situation, I wouldn't know what to tell you regarding that, since I don't do much to improve it either, nothing beyond being alone at home together with my pets and doing exercises. :(

  2. Ohh no, what can I say, I can't comment that I haven't felt that way, well I hope that the low mood lasts a short time and that you manage to give the best of you, as you think it should be, take care of yourself.

  3. I fully understand your feeling although I do not know if that helps you in anything, but I can only wish that you get out of that feeling and you can continue to be motivated as you did at the beginning of this year

    I hope you are very well and best regards.

  4. I completely understand, I hope you feel better very soon.

  5. I felt like you :( I hope you can feel better soon, a grade doesn´t define your intelligence!


Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I ...