jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021

My Favorite Movie

 HiHi, I would say that I don't have a favorite movie, but when i have to choose a movie I would choose it by him actor or actress, also the soundtrack of the movie is very important to me, i do like to feel goosebumps when someone sings, or when it's a suspense scene and you can feel cold behind your neck. I would say that Grease it's some of that movies that I could see thousand of times and never get bored, and all the movies that John Travolta is in it, like, Face/Off, Phenomenom, Pulp Fiction, I am Wrath, The Punisher, and with that i would say that by my father i love to see action movies, well, it's te only thing that I do with my father and that he love to do, so I do like to search new movies to see with him. I do love Horror and suspence movies as well, like the old ones, Jeepper creeper, Halloween, friday the 13th, A nightmare on elm street, The texas Chain Saw Massacre. And also I love the disney movies, after giving a list of bloody and scary movies, yes, I love disney and musicals, no, no like High school musical, like... disney musicals, with little animals, like Hercules, Mulan and some of pixar. I don't see movies alone, I get bored very easy so, the latest i see was Deadpool 2 with my boyfriend, and we laught a lot because we found the uncensured one, and the black jokes that the movie has was hilarius, also I like to see youtube channels like "Te lo resumo así nomas"  If you don't have time to see a movie or if you don't want to see it, the guy make a little review of it (a very funny one) in ten minutes or a little more (sometimes less).

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow, you are right, feeling goosebumps is very special and important in a movie, even changing your decision on whether it's a good movie or a bad movie, I really like the movies you named, especially Pulp Fiction that is very good.

  2. I agree with your opinion about the soundtrack, because I feel it's what makes your emotions flow and really connect with what the film is trying to convey.

  3. I love the deadpool movies, they are very funny, i enjoy watching them a lot.


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