jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

My Favourite Piece Of Technology

 I would say that I don´t have a special piece of technology, I attached to the feelings that they give me, and the memories that make me feel old. I think that my first love it's the ps1 (playstation 1) at the same time that my uncle let me play Atari, but the ps1 was a christmas gift from my parents to us (my older sister and me), there's storys that while I was sleeping, my hands attached the shape of the joystick and simulate that i was playing (I was 4 years old, such a weird brat) and obviusly that became an inseparable relationship until now.

I remember with affectionately my first computer (that runs windows xp and have a disk drive, the one that to install a program you put a floppy disk 1 until 10, hahaha so old), and my aunt gave me interactive games like, "abrapalabra","Pipo" (again, so old..), and by curiosity I put a pokemon's card there and that card never met the sun again (the stupid thing that you do by curiosity at a child), so since child i play a lot at the computer until ps2 arrives to my life.

The ps2 experience was true love for me, until now I still play some videogames in a ps2 that my friends borrow me (I'm still in contact with my friend and play videogames with him, and whenever he wants it back I will return him!), I have it very well cared!, I care my things a lot so it's no weird that I have things very very old that still work (like my discman, those who runs cd's at 2006). Back in the theme, I would say that the playstation 2 it's what make me what I am, and also there's a story of hate, suffer and betrayal, things that after 10 years I couldn't forgive, YES, 10 years or more, i'm not sure. I have cousins, and I switched my ps2 for a xbox360 (I choose that because my cousin have a ps3 so, theres no reason to have the same game console because we live at steps for eachother), but I still playing with the ps2, and...when i was at the school she took mi precious baby and give it to my little's cousins, I have to say that I have it in perfect conditions, original joysticks, original everything, the joysticks where smooth, I clean it everyday and never ate and use the joysticks at the same time. I only have to say that... my ps2 last less than a week at my cousins hands, because they fight for a game and the youngest jump over my baby until he broke it. I'm still mad about it, I feel anger deep in my guts, and boils when I remember it. 

Then I won a notebook for my grades at school, and is still working!, and there, without my ps2 I became a computer player until the current date, the cellphone is not that important, I only talk with some friends, my boyfriend, and my family. YES, the charge of my phone last me almost 3 days, less if i'm reading something. some others things I love in their time was the mp3, a Meow-chi that belongs to my sister and I still have it (yes, still working), and in this moment, the pc that my father bought me.

Writing this I have to make it in clear that the ps2 is my favourite piece of technology, I use it at least one time at the week (i would say saturdays most of the time) and it's like I would never being tired of the same old games, they're SOOO GOOD!. and theres a time that i don't have it, it was horrible, and i was mad all the time. For the sanity of my family and the people nearest to me, there's nobody going to touch my belongs again and I'm serious about it, it's a long story to tell, maybe another day, then Byebye xo. 


What. . . Don't you feel old?

4 comentarios:

  1. I had a ps2 too, still I have, but before I had a polystation, this is a than appear a ps1 but had cassette like a nintendo 64.After the ps2 I buy it a ps3 and then the ps4 (I remember that I spended so much of my money in games), but the ps5 don't think I buy it, because it's expensive.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Im pretty sure that I've never played on a playstation, every time I see the agility that people have to handle the controls I feel incapable of trying it, but I've known of some friends who have been suffered tendonitis in the hands because of playing so many hours video games, it's kinda funny

  4. hi, i had a playstation one then i had a xbox and i played everyday all day gta or red dead redemption but I never played playstation 2 I would like to play it


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