viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

A Website that I enjoy Visiting

Today I was thinking about what website I would talk, and the first thing that come to my mind it's, when I search references, some ideas, examples, the first link I visit is Pinterest, Pinterest have a lot of pictures, tutorials, gifts, wallpapers and raws to feel motivated, I have to complain that I love to search male models to learn anatomy, and also, they have a lot of awesome edits for anime characters, the only thing I don't like it's that I don't have (in most of the cases) the original author of the image. I visit pinterest almost five or six times at the week for some references of clothes, anatomy, background or character. Also I don't know if Instagram or youtube would be related for interest on my career, the have awesome tutorials, or speedpaint's that make me feel exited to give it a try and I don't forgot to mencionated the Artists, Ilustrators, designers, animators that post in the plataform, on twitter are great Ilustrators and artist but they are in other category (a very dark one), and I visit these Websites almost everyday, I think that I see a lot of ilustrations that make me feel anxious to draw, more if become a trend, they are so fun to do (and give you some visibility), I think that the links (more convenient  the app for the phone that we used to see) we know that what are but I leave it below:

viernes, 4 de junio de 2021

Music as Therapy

After a lot of thinking about what I could write, the only idea I can think is about music, the music can conect us with others, starts a friendship, starts a relationship as well as end it. I mean, is someting magic and the way of a song can make you have goosebumps or feel what the singer want to tell, making your chest hurt when it's about something sad, or just making you have a nice day, or giving you energy for making stuff like clean or cook or work. I can tell that  I dont have the greatest taste of music because I used to listen only screams, like deathmetal, deathcore, heavymetal, rock as well, but I have some songs that I really like that make me feel refesh of the screams and make me delight with them again. I'm a sucker for the double-pedal in the deathcore, but also I really like singers like Luis miguel, miguel bosé, Miranda, and some pop songs of the 80'. I think that because I'm a quiet and shy person the screams and anger that the songs have make me channel my anger or my sadness as well. and to finish this, I want to know if you have some song that you like a lot, or that song that make you have goosebumps, or make your chest hurt...Today I'm listen Fight or Flight of Conan Gray and make me feel melancholic and kind of sad, but I really like it, it makes me want to shout it for some reason. and if you wanna leave a song I am grateful and exited to play it. Thanks for read <3

Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I ...