viernes, 4 de junio de 2021

Music as Therapy

After a lot of thinking about what I could write, the only idea I can think is about music, the music can conect us with others, starts a friendship, starts a relationship as well as end it. I mean, is someting magic and the way of a song can make you have goosebumps or feel what the singer want to tell, making your chest hurt when it's about something sad, or just making you have a nice day, or giving you energy for making stuff like clean or cook or work. I can tell that  I dont have the greatest taste of music because I used to listen only screams, like deathmetal, deathcore, heavymetal, rock as well, but I have some songs that I really like that make me feel refesh of the screams and make me delight with them again. I'm a sucker for the double-pedal in the deathcore, but also I really like singers like Luis miguel, miguel bosé, Miranda, and some pop songs of the 80'. I think that because I'm a quiet and shy person the screams and anger that the songs have make me channel my anger or my sadness as well. and to finish this, I want to know if you have some song that you like a lot, or that song that make you have goosebumps, or make your chest hurt...Today I'm listen Fight or Flight of Conan Gray and make me feel melancholic and kind of sad, but I really like it, it makes me want to shout it for some reason. and if you wanna leave a song I am grateful and exited to play it. Thanks for read <3

2 comentarios:

  1. Omg, I never have to listen heavymetal or this type of music, I only listen anime songs, "Reik", reggaeton or "Big time rush"... yes... it's so... mixed? hahahah, I should listen more styles of music...

  2. I totally agree with you ToT, the music is very powerful ...
    hmm i can't say i have a good taste in music either, but. I'd like to recommend the song "Sound of Ignorance - Soko".
    In my blog I also talked about the music that I like, I hope you like some of them, but if you don't, I don't blame you:) <3
    The duolity in your musical taste makes me laugh a lot, ahahhaha, I'm curious to see your playlist!


Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I ...