viernes, 9 de julio de 2021

Books, comic's and manga

 Hello everyone, today I wan't to talk about what I want to read when the semester end, I'm saving some money to buy some books, comics and manga, I totally have the feel that the books at some years ago where more cheaper than they are now, or maybe I bought the alternative version (to not say fake) and never realized, and my second plan it's go to read to the librery or borrow them, but now It can't be. But you can say, most of the books are in pdf, you can read it online, but i'm not a fan of it, i'm a romantic of the cover, the paper and the smell of a new book, and it's more friendly to my eyes than the screen, my head hurt's so bad and even some times give me migrains that paralyzes a half of my face, well, to the main theme, I want to read The final empire of Brandon sanders, Battle royale of Koushun takami, Psicópata of Gabriel D. Romero, some comics of Deadpool, they are so bizarre that I love them, when they try to explain the universe marvel and how it works, some graphic images that make them so dynamic, and in manga I'm searching for the spanish (mexican) version of Chainsaw man, they sold out so quickly and I don't like the translate of Ivrea argentina, they use a lot of words at they idiom that kills some diologues of the manga, I do like the neutral version of the spanish and panini gives it, but also I want to give a try to Norma (spain) edition but If i don't like how it's translate I have so much to loose because the size and the cover of the mangas are differents of each others so the collection must seem weird if I buy other edition. so i think that's it, i'm not letting want another book and i'm only listen some podcast of serial killers, or unsolved cases to control myself and distract me, and if you where asking, I don't sleep a lot in the night but for medical reasons so I have a lot of time to burn an that's how I do it, HAHA maybe I'm weird idk, bye.

1 comentario:

  1. I bought #1 and #2 "Atack on Titan" mangas (because I aready had #3) of Panini Mexico (I really recommended this editorial) because my brother have Norma of spain of "Chainsaw man" and he don´t like it :( because it use many spanish words and it a little uncomfortable (it's his opinion) but if you really want it, I hope that you can found it!! Regardsss <3


Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I ...