viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I feel so tired of everything of this point that the only thing that I do is watch some tv or see a movie, without the feeling of a growning emptiness, I think that everything sucks at this point, I would say that I lose 5 kg in the last month or 3 weeks, I can't sleep well and doing the last few homeworks it's being really hard, at this point I don't care of gramatical errors and for once finish this. later I'm going to feel worse for not being focus and score a mediocre grade, because I know that I can do things better than this. Backing to the blog I found it very bored in the end. Also something that rounds my mind it is that I don't have a feedback so maybe i'm doing the same mistake in all my entrances for the blog and I didn't know, so, knowing at the end of the evaluations it's... weird, I don't know, it gives me a bland sensation. I think that's everything, I hope that this few words reach the minimun of words, im tired, bye.

viernes, 9 de julio de 2021

Books, comic's and manga

 Hello everyone, today I wan't to talk about what I want to read when the semester end, I'm saving some money to buy some books, comics and manga, I totally have the feel that the books at some years ago where more cheaper than they are now, or maybe I bought the alternative version (to not say fake) and never realized, and my second plan it's go to read to the librery or borrow them, but now It can't be. But you can say, most of the books are in pdf, you can read it online, but i'm not a fan of it, i'm a romantic of the cover, the paper and the smell of a new book, and it's more friendly to my eyes than the screen, my head hurt's so bad and even some times give me migrains that paralyzes a half of my face, well, to the main theme, I want to read The final empire of Brandon sanders, Battle royale of Koushun takami, Psicópata of Gabriel D. Romero, some comics of Deadpool, they are so bizarre that I love them, when they try to explain the universe marvel and how it works, some graphic images that make them so dynamic, and in manga I'm searching for the spanish (mexican) version of Chainsaw man, they sold out so quickly and I don't like the translate of Ivrea argentina, they use a lot of words at they idiom that kills some diologues of the manga, I do like the neutral version of the spanish and panini gives it, but also I want to give a try to Norma (spain) edition but If i don't like how it's translate I have so much to loose because the size and the cover of the mangas are differents of each others so the collection must seem weird if I buy other edition. so i think that's it, i'm not letting want another book and i'm only listen some podcast of serial killers, or unsolved cases to control myself and distract me, and if you where asking, I don't sleep a lot in the night but for medical reasons so I have a lot of time to burn an that's how I do it, HAHA maybe I'm weird idk, bye.

viernes, 2 de julio de 2021

A Subject that I enjoy Studying this semester

In a beginning of the semester I would tell that Ergonimics was my favorite subject, because all my cousins (olders) study something relationated with health, so, in classes I understand better about what they are talking in the family events, and i thought that in a future I would work with them and ask them for advices. In classes we seen anatomy, risk factor's and analize the enviroment to prevent diseases like tendinitis, epicondilitis or lower back pain, now in the end of the semester I hate every subject and I want to end the semester the fastest I can, because I have migrains almost every day and they produce me lost my vision, so the homeworks are difficult to do. Now english give me some space to relax but in this moment I can surely say that I don't have a favorite subject and all I want to do is cuddle under my sheets (because lately it's been so cold) and sleep, watch some movies with my dad, play with my goddaughter (it's like my own child and I adore her) and eat a lot of yummy things with my family :(

viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

A Website that I enjoy Visiting

Today I was thinking about what website I would talk, and the first thing that come to my mind it's, when I search references, some ideas, examples, the first link I visit is Pinterest, Pinterest have a lot of pictures, tutorials, gifts, wallpapers and raws to feel motivated, I have to complain that I love to search male models to learn anatomy, and also, they have a lot of awesome edits for anime characters, the only thing I don't like it's that I don't have (in most of the cases) the original author of the image. I visit pinterest almost five or six times at the week for some references of clothes, anatomy, background or character. Also I don't know if Instagram or youtube would be related for interest on my career, the have awesome tutorials, or speedpaint's that make me feel exited to give it a try and I don't forgot to mencionated the Artists, Ilustrators, designers, animators that post in the plataform, on twitter are great Ilustrators and artist but they are in other category (a very dark one), and I visit these Websites almost everyday, I think that I see a lot of ilustrations that make me feel anxious to draw, more if become a trend, they are so fun to do (and give you some visibility), I think that the links (more convenient  the app for the phone that we used to see) we know that what are but I leave it below:

viernes, 4 de junio de 2021

Music as Therapy

After a lot of thinking about what I could write, the only idea I can think is about music, the music can conect us with others, starts a friendship, starts a relationship as well as end it. I mean, is someting magic and the way of a song can make you have goosebumps or feel what the singer want to tell, making your chest hurt when it's about something sad, or just making you have a nice day, or giving you energy for making stuff like clean or cook or work. I can tell that  I dont have the greatest taste of music because I used to listen only screams, like deathmetal, deathcore, heavymetal, rock as well, but I have some songs that I really like that make me feel refesh of the screams and make me delight with them again. I'm a sucker for the double-pedal in the deathcore, but also I really like singers like Luis miguel, miguel bosé, Miranda, and some pop songs of the 80'. I think that because I'm a quiet and shy person the screams and anger that the songs have make me channel my anger or my sadness as well. and to finish this, I want to know if you have some song that you like a lot, or that song that make you have goosebumps, or make your chest hurt...Today I'm listen Fight or Flight of Conan Gray and make me feel melancholic and kind of sad, but I really like it, it makes me want to shout it for some reason. and if you wanna leave a song I am grateful and exited to play it. Thanks for read <3

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021

A photo that I like

 This is the last photo of the kitten of my cat, well...she only stick here and never leaves so she becomes a part of the family. The behind of the story is that we want to give in adoption hers kittens and we need to take nice pictures of the kittens, but they were too small and cry a lot if they were outside the box in my bedroom, yes, the cat give birth in our ceiling, if I never take them out of there, tey will die because someones fall in to boxes and the mom can't get them of there, so we moved of there and the mommy start living on my bedroom until these days, it's a great partner when she's quiet, but she starts to annoing me when she begin to chew the wire of my things. She give born to four kittens, I don't remember well but I think it was three boys and one girl, they were all fluffy and fuzzy... well, backing in the story, the thing is, in that time we already was six or seven cats so, it was a chaos, and my mom want to give them in adoption, but again, they were to little to be separated of the mom, and when i took them to the yard they begin to cry so, horrible and terrible photos, but my mom keep insisting, and one day that I was at the university, (this is the story that they told me), my mom was determinated to they leave and while she took them to take some sun of the outside, she said "what's so hard it will be?", and there is the main result an horrible photo of the kitten that it always that I see makes me laught, and I love it. only for that, because she see so silly (the cat is not being hurt, is that she wasn't want to be liften, or touched and she want to run of my mom).

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021

My Favorite Movie

 HiHi, I would say that I don't have a favorite movie, but when i have to choose a movie I would choose it by him actor or actress, also the soundtrack of the movie is very important to me, i do like to feel goosebumps when someone sings, or when it's a suspense scene and you can feel cold behind your neck. I would say that Grease it's some of that movies that I could see thousand of times and never get bored, and all the movies that John Travolta is in it, like, Face/Off, Phenomenom, Pulp Fiction, I am Wrath, The Punisher, and with that i would say that by my father i love to see action movies, well, it's te only thing that I do with my father and that he love to do, so I do like to search new movies to see with him. I do love Horror and suspence movies as well, like the old ones, Jeepper creeper, Halloween, friday the 13th, A nightmare on elm street, The texas Chain Saw Massacre. And also I love the disney movies, after giving a list of bloody and scary movies, yes, I love disney and musicals, no, no like High school musical, like... disney musicals, with little animals, like Hercules, Mulan and some of pixar. I don't see movies alone, I get bored very easy so, the latest i see was Deadpool 2 with my boyfriend, and we laught a lot because we found the uncensured one, and the black jokes that the movie has was hilarius, also I like to see youtube channels like "Te lo resumo así nomas"  If you don't have time to see a movie or if you don't want to see it, the guy make a little review of it (a very funny one) in ten minutes or a little more (sometimes less).

Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I ...