jueves, 15 de abril de 2021

My Auto Biography

 Howdy-doo fellas, My name is Ivana Olivos, but you can find me in any game or account as Harumaruh or Hatsuharu, I'm twenty one years old, I was born in 1999 in Santiago, december 10 being more exactly. I studied in Idop High school and graduate in 2017, Choosen as my first career Geomeasuring engineering in the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, I only did the first year in 2018, I work hard in 2019 and finally starts my second career In the universidad de Chile in 2020. I'm in the second year of Design and I love it.

My family is really big, and there's no exception to not celebrate little things, for obvious reasons the last two years, we have only seen eachothers using the phone. I live with my mom, my dad, my big sister, her daughter (my goddaughter) and her fiancé, there's others two houses but for make it not so long we are eleven in total. We are really close with my sister, she's like my mom and i've been always following her steps, like a chick. I understand better with my father, he make me laught a lot and we are always together when one of us have to out. Sometimes I have a tough personality and hate the world, but i'm a nice person...deep inside, I like to talk with others but it's hard for me making the first step and I used to feel lonely for that.

I'm very alergic for many, MANY foods, like chocolate, all fruits, excepting apples and sometimes, pears, I don't like sweets, but I like mentolated candies and sometimes bland candies, so you can eat calm with me. My hobbies are Draw, Cook and Play Games (videogames, card games, family games), i'm very competitive so my relatives always avoid playing with me. Sometimes I have a really bad luck so I have very bizarre stories that are very funny or make you think how that happened to me.

and I think that's all, maybe, so Till' next time. xo ;)

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi Ivana, I'm shocked with your story because I can´t imagine a world without chocolate or worst, a world with chocolate but you can´t eat, so crazy. About your competitive actitude makes me want play monopoly with you JAJAJA sound kinda funny xd.

    I hope you had a good day, bye bye.

    1. maybe one of us get out stabbed for that jajaja, whenever you want xd!, MAYBE UNO, UNO IS ALWAYS FUN !!

  2. Hi Ivana, I'm very alergic too, but I'm alergic to the mornings ajjaja, i wake up and sneeze for a litle while. what is your favorite videogame? i love red dead redemtion

  3. Hi Ivana! I hope you are well.

    I think we have in common the fact that we both have a tough personality and find it hard to make the first step to talk to people. Sometimes I envy a bit those people who don't have problems with that :(.

    I've always thought how hard it must be to have a chocolate allergy, but to be allergic to chocolate and almost all fruits? I have never met anyone with so many allergies. I'd be a little afraid to invite you to eat something JAJA

    Have a nice day!

  4. OMG I can't imagine life without chocolate! You are allergic to many foods, have you always been allergic? Usually I don't play video games much anymore because I get addicted :( Design career is beautiful, although sometimes very exhausting.

  5. Hi ivana! finally someone of design!! i tried another career before to clear my views aswell so i get you. i hope you love design

  6. I can't believe you can't eat chocolate, my condolences. Like you I have a big family, sometimes I love that and sometimes I hate it


Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I ...