jueves, 22 de abril de 2021

How I ended Here?...

New week, new Entry to the blog, and...New answers; The theme of this week "How I ended here?"...Choosen Design.

But Before of saying that, in the past, when the little Ivana was shorter than already is, The first thing I wanna be was... a construction worker, yeah, in that time, my father was doing some fixes on the house, and I like so much helping him that I want to work building things. A few years later, the little silly me want to be doctor, a pediatrician, then I realice that I have to work, talk and see a lot of people, so I run away of there, And here is where become the fun part, Since I was little I have a easiness, it's a little more easy for me learning artistic things, at age of five i learn how to play violin, I was in a orchestra and play it for five years, I learn by miself anothers instruments (yeah, the rythmic games were not hard for me), then I started to draw in a serius way, and eleven years later I still doing it, influenced by the japanese cartoons, yeah, yeah, I'm an Otaku, not big deal at this time (but in 2010 this tipe of person was really mocked, I live in flesh awfull times). And I want to live as an Artist, something that my mother says clear and loudly NO!, I really want to make my parents proud so I ended studing at first time engineering, and completly hate it, I was at the clouds all the time and then I said, it's my life, i'm gonna live it, not my mom so I frozen my studies and change of career, and it tooootally worth it, I'm really happy, for first time I'm doing what I want, I'm not in the shadow of my mother anymore. I would say that I reaally want presential classes, it's the only thing that I would change, but the experience is pure gold. My dream job at this moment would be creating characters design, someting that I put personality, a story behind, I would die doing that. 

I think that't it, byebye.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Ivana, hope you are fine. It's impressive the early age you did learn to play the violin,I only know to play flute although it is more fun to do it with my nose but I'm not a good flutist. I'm very pleased of your decision of changing engineering for something you love to do, sometimes making others proud is not the most important thing.

  2. Hi Ivana!. What a coincidence! My father also works in construction. This was one of the main reasons why I studied Architecture. I also grew up watching his work. I also spent a year studying Engineering but it was a bad experience for me. I hope that in design you find your place in the world. Good Luck!.

  3. im so glad you took the chance to study what you really want ! i know is hard to get ride of the shadow of someone, especially your mom. and btw what more instruments do u know how to play? haha im interested in that ! :D

    1. well, there's violin, flute, guitar, bass, keyboard, and i want to lear in a deepest way piano and drum


Blog experience and some reflections

 I would say that the first 3 blogs was fun to write, reading my classmates too, now, at this point I was debating with me to wrote this, I ...